Hi. It has been so long since I last posted here. Sorry about that.

I haven’t been idle, though. I have been giving my books a thorough going over. The process is far from complete and will probably take the rest of this year to finish.

What has changed is the arrival of two new editing tools that have helped me enormously. These are Grammarly and Hemingway respectively. Grammarly is an accuracy checker. It calls itself a grammar checker but it’s more than that really. It does spelling as well. It has effectively replaced the built in spellcheck facility on my word processor.

Hemingway is even more powerful. Named after the American writer, Ernest Hemingway, it assesses the readability of my text. Ernest Hemingway was a master of the concise. He proved, once and for all, that a book need not be long or densely written to be of high quality. Using Hemingway has made me reexamine the quality of my writing in ways that I had never thought of before. So impressed am I with it, that I am subjecting all eighteen of my books to the treatment. This is what is taking the time, but the result will be worth it, I assure you.

As a further development, I have a new computer. I have rejoined the world of Apple by purchasing a smart new Mac Mini. This has enabled me to work in Pages once again. Pages is my all-time favourite word processor. I still have Word (and use it as well on the right occasion) but Pages has regained its position of preference and I cannot see that changing.

Expect to see the first example of my revised books – Another Allegiance – republished very soon.

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