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This book is now 94,000 words (or 321 pages, if you prefer) long, and it has just been given its third title. Titling a book is harder than you might think. Obviously, the title must be related to the content in some way, but there are also other considerations. For one thing,

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90,000 and Counting

Third post in little more than a week. A couple of days ago, I hit 300 pages on my master manuscript, and now I have passed the 90,000 word barrier. The next one is the big one: 100,000 words, and I will pass that one as well. The current total is 90,013 words and the 90,000th was only.

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300 UP!

This is unusual for me. Two posts in four days. Well, a landmark has been passed, so I thought I may as well mention it. I am now working on Page 300. That equates to significantly over the 85,000 words I mentioned in the last post. The overall figure currently stands at 87,947,

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Back to Work

I took a bit of a break over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. I didn’t stop working, but had a rest from the current book. I went back over some of my published works and checked them. I had revamped them all earlier in the year. To my horror,

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80,000 UP

I have now passed the 80,000-word mark. Appropriately for a story set during World War ll, the 80,000th word was ‘Germans’. At least that means something. It could just as easily have been something banal, like ‘if’ or ‘very’.

Having already met briefly earlier in the book, Bruno and Alice are about to encounter one another again,

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I passed this figure more than two and a half thousand words ago, but I was so engrossed in what I was writing that I didn’t notice. The story has now moved on and the Battle of Britain is raging. The book sees it from two viewpoints, those of Bruno and Alice,

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60,000 WORDS. 202 PAGES

I reached a landmark this morning when I passed the 60,000 word point. The 60,000th word was ‘which’, but the actual total now stands at 60,009, the last of which is a rather more interesting ‘submerged’.

More significantly, it means that I have definitely passed the halfway mark.

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50,000 WORDS

To be precise, the total now stands at 50,031 words, and the last one written was ‘cryptographers’, which is a much more interesting word than the banal conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns that usually claim these distinctions.

A New Allegiance now tips the scales at 170 pages,

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40,000 and still going

A New Allegiance clocked up its 40,000th word this morning. I don’t know what that word was, but the 40,086th was willpower. As ever, that is unlikely to remain the case because the work will be revised, edited and redrafted repeatedly before it is ready for publication.

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As mentioned in the previous post, which was incorrectly entitled ‘First Landmark’ (it was actually the second – sorry), the new book is intended to be in two parts. This is something that I have done a couple of times before in my ‘Rutter Books’ series. ‘Rutter’s Revoilt’ and ‘The Secret Angels’

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